News, Articles, Journals

Doug Ford has recently lost a Court of Appeal's for the controversial Student Choice Initiative. The Anti-Crime Association will not tell students how to vote in the up-coming election, however its important that you make an informed decision on who you want to lead your province for the next 4 years. 

New ideas for stories thru google web search. Thanks

Clinton Valentine and Hyun June Ro , founders of the Anti-Crime Association in 2009 would like to congraundertulate the members on our 10 Year Anniversary!!!

If you have any commentary or submissions, please contact the administrator at 

The Anti-Crime Association is turning our focus on a very large auto-theft ring and police officers involved in stealing luxury vehicles and sending the vehicles to and from major city centres. The insurance bureau is offering a $2 million dollar reward which will be split evenly (once received) by all students. They claim these vehicles are being used for police investigations, but we know there not, there being stolen, claimed for insurance write-offs, often painted ‘white’ and resold at a fraction of the price of comparable vehicles. You should report these thefts to the federal agencies and local police forces. The problem here is, the police officers are in fact the ones stealing the vehicles and its important that we stay vigilant, etc.


See the Ontario Building Code 2012

See the National Building Code
Congrats to Hyun-June Leonard, as he was recently nominated for the “Order of Canada”, We are asking that the police officers mentioned get corrective programming before resuming duty. Thank You kindly. General Public + Anti-Crime Association students

thank you to the Ontario Government for advocating on exemptions $6000 voluntary payments, etc. The Anti-Crime Association support Ford’s PC Government

Anti-Crime Association and the alumni association is advocating the provincial government for reconsideration for CPP exemption as income for the Ontario Works and ODSP systems. Please sign our petition in the following months.

Someone is attempting to circumvent the administration of justice and freedom of speech. They are interfering with the Google Search rankings and not indexing the sites on Google. These individuals mascarade as the wolf and sheep’s clothing by interfering with the news that needs to be heard by the Canadian public and alumni student body. Please continue to use google search and print the articles implicitly (Police officers’ relationships with farm animals) Past President. L. Ro


Anti-Crime Association in collaboration with Step Forward is currently lobbying the cities of Brampton and Guelph for Permanent Disabled Housing. Anti-Crime Association is currently looking for non-profit partners. Contact us thru email

The Anti-Crime Association wishes alumni and current students a Happy New Years and Best Wishes for 2020. 

Anti-Crime Association does not endorse any political leader in any party, for the alumni students, vote for who you want to vote for and finally your vote matters, so get out and vote for the 2020 United States President!!!



The Past President of the Anti-Crime Association is encouraging alumni students to advocate on behalf of our association and repeal specific provisions within the Income Tax Act, along with ensuring that Government of Canada repays the $1.493 Billion dollars back to Canadians, that the government stole from its various enforcement actions including excise, duties, retail sales tax, provincial tax, federal income tax, CPP tax, EI tax and equalization taxes. The Government of Canada needs to repay the money back to Canadians and ensure that the wrongs of yesterday are corrected in the future.

Also remember about the articles from Google Search. Thanks. L.

Will Trudeau Unite the West (AB, SK, BC) Like the Charlottetown or Meech Lake Accord?

Will Trudeau Unite the West (AB, SK, BC) Like the Charlottetown or Meech Lake Accord?

This is your past president and current governing counsel asking the alumni students from the Anti-Crime Association to please follow the directions of the news stories and publish the articles according to the google search. We have kindly requested public awareness on various topics which still have not been addressed, including police officers+ sexual relationships with farm animal stories. We have only seen 2 articles thus far.  Thank You

R. Watts


Public Prosecution Service of Canada 

The Anti-Crime Association, Civil Liberties Association and PPSC would like to share a newstory with our partnering news agency, Seattle Telegram

Police Officer Has Sex with Suspects and Pleads Guilty


  the Civil Liberties Association is asking for help for an attempted sexual assault which occurred in San Francisco, California circa 1998.  Please contact Attorney General's Office
California Department of Justice via Public Inquiry Unit - Voice: (916) 210-6276 or (Toll-free in California) (800) 952-5225

  We are currently advocating the
The Anti-Crime Association, Civil Liberties Association will be requesting our readership to support an up-coming arbitration with past president against the Canada Revenue Agency. We are asking our readership not to fund raise on behalf of various politicians who have contested various provisions within the Income Tax Act, respectively. Check back for the supporting case law regarding the statute of limitations and help ensure that the University collective is aware of the undue hardship caused by the Tax court challenge before the Tax court of Canada.


The Anti-Crime Association is pleased to announce our partnership with Step Forward - The Social Movement


The Anti-Crime Association, Civil Liberties Association, Prosecution Service of Canada and the Department of Justice have lobbyed the Federal legislature to include a new provision in the Criminal Code of Canada. We are pleased to announce that our organization has been instrumental in the inclusion of Section 162 in the Criminal Code of Canada. Hyun-June L. Ro indicates that without our lobbying efforts, the new legislation would have not passed the scrutiny of the Supreme Court of Canada and is pleased to announce that our lobbying efforts, along with precedent case laws were adopted in the low courts and passed the legal threshold in the Court of Appeals. Over the duration of the past 4 years, the Anti-Crime Association has received numerous complaints from the public regarding the surreptitous (covert) surveillance of individuals who have been under investigation. Some of the these complaints centered on the use of covert recording devices and cameras to record individuals who were being monitored by various policing agencies throughout Ontario (without judicial authorization) in 'intimate' places. The judicial Authorization typically provide safeguards and/or clauses which prohibit the monitoring of individuals being investigated (without a live monitoring clause and safe record keeping protocol) in places such as in showers, washrooms, etc. Therefore the inclusion of Section 162- Voyeurism in the Criminal Code of Canada should now be recognized in part by our lobbying efforts.

The Anti-Crime Association is looking for contributors for any related News, Articles, and Journals, please contact the administrators if you would like to submit your article. PLEASE NOTE: Editor has the right to refuse articles and the published articles may not reflect the opinions of the A.C.A.


The Honourable David R. Peterson (LLB 1967), chairman of the Toronto law firm of Cassels Brock and Blackwell LLP and former Premier of Ontario, will serve a second term as Chancellor of the University of Toronto, effective July 1, 2009. He is U of T's 32nd Chancellor since the university's founding in 1827.

Elected by the Alumni College of Electors for a three-year term, the Chancellor is the ceremonial head of the university, presiding at convocations, conferring all U of T degrees and acting as ambassador to more than 400,000 graduates worldwide and to the wider community. The Chancellor also plays an essential role in advancing the university's interests within the local, provincial, national and international arenas.

ith about 11 per cent of the South African population affected by HIV/AIDS, the epidemic is not only a health crisis but a critical social justice issue that the country is finally taking seriously at the national level, says Jonathan Berger, a visiting health fellow through the International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Program at the Faculty of Law.

Berger was one of the first foreign students to receive a LLM through the program, in 2001, and he is now the senior researcher and head of policy, research and communications at the Aids Law Project in Johannesburg. He was invited back in November to the law school to conduct research that would assist South African activists in their fight against HIV/AIDS.

"My research stay at U of T's Faculty of Law provided me with the opportunity to work on a substantial piece of writing on health systems reform," he says. Reforming the South African system, he says, is a critical piece of the emerging national strategy for fighting HIV/AIDS. Additionally, he says, it gave him time to properly integrate new legislative developments in the field in South Africa into his work, ensuring that his research and recommendations remained timely and relevant."

With 5.5 million South Africans living with HIV, there is clearly little time to waste. Yet, despite the staggering number of cases in his country, Berger says that only 50 per cent of those living with the disease are getting proper treatment. He adds that the disease disproportionately affects black and poor people, and that factors relating to race and gender, urban versus rural dwelling also affect the spread of the disease.

"It is only recently that with a change in our presidency, South Africa has decided to make HIV/AIDS a national health priority with an appropriate national strategy", says Berger, who returned to South Africa before the holidays. "Immediately upon assuming office, our new President appointed a new health minister and deputy health minister who started developing a strategic plan encompassing everything from prevention, intervention, access to medicines and access to legal assistance for those living with HIV/AIDS who face a host of discrimination issues."

In addition to his research and public lectures at the Faculty of Law, while in North America Berger also had an opportunity to speak at several other leading American universities such as Yale, Georgetown, the University of Virginia, the Washington College of Law at the American University at the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization. While in Toronto, he delivered the keynote address at the Faculty of Law's student-run commemoration of World HIV/AIDS day in December 2008.

Berger began his career working for the South African National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality but has always been politically active in public interest and social justice issues. For now, Berger's focus is on making sure that individuals with HIV/AIDS in his country get access to the services and treatments that are their legal right to obtain.

"What we really need to focus on now in South Africa is proper access to medicines -- this is a foundational step in combating the problem and to broaden the breadth of the institutions that deal with HIV/AIDS," he explains. "Access to health care is a constitutional right in South Africa, and my organization is determined to ensure that our health system is respectful of that right."